marți, 20 octombrie 2015


Remember me ,for now I'll fly
Somewhere deep in the big blue sky
Chances that I might have been
Somewhere peaceful and clean

These dirty roads that I have walked
I left behind cuz now I'm done
They never last,as I have seen
No time to cry for what I have been

My end is my begining as I saw
From these lives I should've feed
Taking the happiness that I need
Too late for now,it's time to flow

vineri, 9 octombrie 2015


Time's ticking
Time to go
Somewhere so far
Away from now
Transform the pain
Away from rain
Like stars in the sky
I need to fly         
Away so high
No need to last 
Just make it fast
Away in dust ...

joi, 8 octombrie 2015


"Parul lung si bandana sunt atributele tale.Esti inalt,deci demn de luat in seama.Cel mai greu e cu zambetul tau pentru ca e indescifrabil de cele mai multe ori.Ai si sange rece si cald,poti sa strivesti cu bocancul,dar stii sa daruiesti si un trandafir.Esti inteligent si ai caracter.Stii sa tii o prietenie si stii cum sa protejezi, daca sufletul tau e implicat."

O scurta caracterizare facuta de o prietena speciala,un psiholog priceput, stie ce zice,mai ales acest psiholog :D :)...Multumesc mult Manu.